Summer in Guangzhou

So far I can describe my summer in Guangzhou with one word: wet.

It may just be the tail-end of typhoon Chanchu which, after having devastated the Phillipines, messed up much of South-East China and came very close to Hong Kong. Or this may be perfectly normal.

Friends tell me that I should expect the summer to get hotter and stickier. All very therapeutic I’m sure, but now I understand exactly why there is always so much washing hung out from Chinese windows.

When it’s not being hot and sticky, it’s being hot and rainy. In the space of one day the weather can change from this:

Rainfall in Guangzhou

To this:

Now that’s what I call variable!


  1. Rare blue sky in GZ and I love the pictures. Very strong contrast. Even though GZ is not a fantastic travel place, I saw some news that said GZ is reported to be the most popular city of European travelling in 2002. Weird!!!

  2. I try to leave a comment in your theme page but the capcha validation image is not showing. My comment lost 🙁 anyway, thanks for the great theme and the google targeted as section plugin!

  3. Looks like the weather in upstate New York. A couple of years ago we had snow in May in the morning and sunshine in the afternoon. Fun stuff!

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