Taro – Purple Potatoes

I came across a vegetable in the supermarket the other day that I’ve not seen since China.

I always referred to it as a taro, but it seems it has several varieties, and this one was an eddoe.

Wikipedia refers to the flavour as:

…an acrid taste that requires careful cooking…

It’s a lot like a potatoe, but when cooked it goes crumbly and purple, and tastes kind of like… ice cream. Hard to describe really. In China it’s very popular, both fried as a main course, and as a dessert.

Cutting the skin releases some slightly toxic chemicals so you have to be careful! Cooking removes the toxins and you’re left with an unusual food.

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Frozen Chatsworth

Before Christmas I took a trip to Chatsworth in Derbyshire. It’s a fantastic house set in the middle of the Peak District, and well worth a visit. It was also probably the coldest I’ve been all year.

You may recognize it from the 2005 film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, which is as good a reason as any to introduce Keira Knightley onto this site. It was also in Benicio Del Toro’s Wolfman, but I’ve never seen that.

Pegasus Mail

My first real exposure to the internet came via a University email address, and Pegasus Mail – a DOS based email client. The email address is long gone, but it seems that Pegasus Mail has been going strong ever since:

So now we’re about to enter the third decade of Pegasus Mail. Will it make it to 30? Who knows, but I really hope so: I still enjoy working on it, and even though the Pegasus Mail Thousand hasn’t had entirely the response I might have hoped for, I’ll keep working on Pegasus Mail and Mercury for as long as I can.

Pegasus Mail – Twenty Years Old And Counting.