I try and make a point of localizing all software I produce so that it can be used by as many different people as possible. Last year I wrote some articles (Translating WordPress Plugins and Localizing WordPress Plugins) detailing how to localize a plugin and theme from both a developers and translators point of view. Since then my plugins have been receiving a steady stream of translations and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who’s not only helped produce translation but also pointed out areas of my code that were not yet localized.
Thanks go to:
- Alexander Dichev
- Georg S. Adamsen (several times, no less!)
- Simone
- Serge
- Jacek Tyc
- Mario
- Gianni Diurno
- Alexander Dichev
- Juanpa Manson
- Sergey Ryvkin
- Strang Skov
- Yoichi Kinoshita
- Vinicius Pinto
- Matthias Houwelin
- Rick
- Hendry Lee
- Dragos Nicolae
- Omer Faruk
- Jose Cuesta
- Oncle Tom
- Rami
- Frank Bueltge
- Gerhard Lehnhoff
- Andre
- Olle Hellgren
- Lecactus
- Dario
- Evert
- Vincent Granger
- Krzysztof Kowalik
- Ivan Garcia
- Mehmet Karac
- Hiroaki Miyashita
- Yunfang Shang
- Joao Miguel Aliano
All told there’s over 20 languages!
Hello John,
you’re welcome!
No, I have to thank you for your awesome plugins 😉
Regards as always
(it_IT >> ciao)
Gianni 🙂
Doesn’t FOSS rock 😉
And me, for the zh-CN language pack of Redirection plugin. :):P
Redirection w/ Chinese Language Pack, manage the 301 redirections of WordPress blogs easy – Shamiao on the run