
InScript is an extensible scripting framework that provides the capability to insert and modify data without needing to modify any WordPress files.

At the simplest level, it is a generic pattern matcher – it searches for specific patterns, or tags, and replaces them with something else. However, instead of replacing these patterns with static text, you can replace them with variables, functions, and even PHP code.

Some of the features that InScript provides are:

  • Dynamic variables, which can be used in many places and are automatically updated (the version and last updated details above are dynamic variables)
  • Disable WordPress texturize functions across the whole blog, individual posts, or even individual words
  • Conversely, enable texturize, textile, markdown, or any formatting on individual posts or words
  • Embed well-defined scripts inside posts and any other part of WordPress, without modifying the theme

The embedded scripts are very powerful, and allow you to do things like:

  • Insert post & author information
  • Add HTTP meta-values and make them post-specific
  • Customise the appearance of words, paragraphs, or posts
  • Change date formats on individual sections
  • Insert highlighted code
  • Insert custom PHP code
  • Add custom stylesheets for specific posts

Because of the extensible nature of the plugin, you can add ‘scriptlets’ (mini-plugins) that provide extra features and yet use the same InScript framework.


  1. Chris: Yes it could. I was intending to include a little scriptlet to do just that, with the intention of being able to display RSS/Flickr feeds. I didn’t have the time to include it previously, but it is next on the list of things to do – watch this space!

    Chad: I’ve not tried it with WP-Cache as I couldn’t get it to work on my install. However, I see no reason why it shouldn’t work. The only problem is that the results of InScript will be frozen at the moment the cache is taken. This may or may not be useful.

  2. I’ve added the RSS Link List scriptlet to allow the use of the rssLinkList plugin with InScript – put it in the ‘wp-content/plugins/inscript/scripts’ directory. Note that the rssLinkList plugin must be installed and enabled, and the arguments are exactly the same as for the plugin. For example,

    %%rsslinklist [rss_feed_url=] [num_items=3]%%

  3. I don’t quite get how this replaces the HeadSpace Plugin. I have inserted the metatags for all my posts and pages using head_description and head_keywords and I am a little bit afraid of losing all this work…

    Because I already am using another plugin to enable the use of PHP in posts, I am very interested in subsituting this plugin and the headspace plugin with the Inscript plugin.

    Can I safely disable the headspace plugin and install the Inscript plugin without losing the metatags I created?

  4. John,

    I think I have found the problem. Your scriptlet calls the function “rssLink”, not “rssLinkList”. Therefore, this should read:

    ‘%%rsslinklist [rss_feed_url=] [num_items=3]%%’

    Excellent plugin though! 🙂 Thanks for being part of the community!

  5. I’m having a small problem with global keywords. It seems that when I add them, they get escaped. This is mostly happening on quotation marks. And, when I Update Options again, it gets escaped again, leading to stuff like: \\\” in the fields.

    Once escaped, it seems to be fouling up the evaluation of the commands. So instead of being able to add e.g. meta keywords to my wp_head, it is just dumping the raw text of the global keyword field.

    This would be OK, I could just put the raw meta tag there, but *that* gets escaped, too, so it’s invalid.

    I am using WordPress with MySQL 3.23.49 and PHP 4.3.10.

    Anything else I should include to track this down, e.g., php.ini settings and such?


  6. Ok, found that the problem was caused by the PHP configuration setting ‘magic_quotes_gpc’ – if this was set then PHP would automatically escape all quotes, and InScript would then escape them again. This has been fixed and version 1.1 released.

  7. Johan: Yes, absolutley – InScript will not delete or change any other custom fields. You can disable HeadSpace, play around with InScript, and then re-enable HeadSpace and still have all your HeadSpace meta data.

  8. I get the following error when I enable Inscript, ([full path] removed for brevity)

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_filters() in [full path]/wp-content/plugins/inscript.php on line 384

    This happens on every page, I have to rename the inscript plugin file to get my site back. I’ve chmodded the inscript directory to 777 but no luck so far.

    Any ideas what’s going on?

  9. Hmm, very strange – a stupid typing error that should have broken it on my own website, but somehow slipped through.

    Anyway, version 1.4 fixes the problem. Thanks for the info, Rob!

  10. Ok, I’m stumped. I still don’t understand how “Example 1.” is generated rvrn after reading through all the documentation. Please enlighten me. Step by step if possible, since I have limited brain capacity. Thanks!

  11. Hi!

    This looks fabu and it looks like just what I was looking for, I think… 😉

    I want to drop my adsense code placed in a div into the_content() of every post. I think that means I would use a global variable, but I’m not sure what it would be and I’m not even sure that’s really possible. Please help. 🙂


  12. John:

    Think of the Inscript tags just like any other HTML tags. For example, if you wanted to make some text bold in HTML, you would wrap the text inside the <strong> tag: <strong>text</strong>

    The same applies for Inscript. In the case of example 1, the text is wrapped inside an inscript tag, with the function changing from Textile to Markdown.

    This calls the function ‘echo’ and turns off the default WordPress texturizing:
    <inscript func="echo" text="%1" wp="off">

    This applies the function ‘format_textile’ to the text, while also turning off the default texturizing:

    <inscript func="format_textile" text="%1" wp="off">

    This applies Markdown to the text, while also turning of the texturizing:

    <inscript func="format_markdown" text="%1" wp="off">

    Note the use of the special %1. This is replaced by whatever is inside the body of the inscript tag. In the examples above, that would be ‘text’.

    Hope that helps.

  13. N. Mallory:

    Yes, you should be able to do that using a global keyword. From the Inscript options page, create a new global keyword called ‘the_content’ and set it to something like this:

    %%echo [text=%2]%%<div>the code for adsense</div>

    The first part is a little bit of inscript to ‘echo’ the content (very important!), and then the rest is your adsense code.

    Let me know if that does the trick. It may actually make an interesting candidate for an inscript function

  14. OK Well, that does not work very well with the_excerpt_reloaded() which is what I use on my main page…and it didn’t appear to do anything on the actual post pages. The code is showing up outside of the_content formatting and I’d like it to appear just inside the first ”.

    So, I guess what I’m trying to do is prepend the code to the beginning of the post before the format filters have their way…but I still want the formatting too.

  15. InScript插件简介(1)


  16. Hi Chris,

    It doesn’t look like InScript is enabled for that page. Check that the plugin is activated and that in the InScript options you have hooked the filter ‘the_content’. If these are both ok then try a really simple InScript command like:


    If you get a version number then InScript is enabled and there’s some problem with the rsslinklist command in the post. If you just see %%php_version%% then InScript isn’t enabled.

    Let me know how it goes.

  17. Okay, I enabled the “hook” and how, I get this:

    I’m using this as the code:

    ‘%%_rssLinkList [rss_feed_url=] [num_items=3]%%’

    I’ve also tried this:

    ‘%%rssLinkList [rss_feed_url=] [num_items=3]%%’

    I’m not sure what else to do. The rssLinkList plugin is activated?! He has version 0.9 out, do you think your scriptlet needs updating or am I just doing something wrong?

  18. Try %%rsslink [rss_feed_url=] [num_items=3]%%

    I hadn’t realized there are no docs for the function!

  19. Hello. First of all I should say that your plugin is great!! Thank you for creating it. I am starting to use it in my weblog. It’s a powerful tool.
    In second instance, I think I have found one typing error in the post.php file, line 134 in the function “post_coment”
    this is:

    return inscript_post_helpoer (“content”, $args);

    I tried to use that function, then I found the error and I “fixed” it. But my blog crashes with message:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare inscript_post_get() (previously declared in /home/emilio/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/inscript/post.php.ori:3) in /home/emilio/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/inscript/post.php~ on line 3
    Fortunately I had a recent backup, and reinstalled inscript. Everything is right now.
    It is a little error, but the consequences … 🙂
    Thank you again
    PD: My english is not good. Well you saw it!

  20. Sorry, but the problem persist. I can’t use post_coment function. When I fixed the wrong word “helpoer” for “helper” my weblog crashes again whit the same message:
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare inscript_post_get() (previously declared in /home/emilio/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/inscript/post.php:3) in /home/emilio/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/inscript/post.php~ on line 3
    I have had than replace inscript directory with the new one from the zip.
    Then my blog comes to live again. The anothers tags from inscript that I have used work good. How can I fix the problem?
    Thank you

  21. Now fixed in 1.6! You solution was correct, and the error was just caused because you had a backup file in the directory which redefined the same functions as the original.

  22. When using formating declared like

    it worls OK… as long as you don’t declare it again! I mean you can’t format_geshi more than once, at least in my installation. I looked at your code and found a solution: in formatting.php, line 43, replace

    include (dirname (__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.”geshi/geshi.php”);


    include_once (dirname (__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.”geshi/geshi.php”);

    and everithing works right now!

    Keep on making it better!

  23. Hi John, sorry to contact you when you’re enjoying Oslo. Just wanted to let you know InScript doesn’t seem to play nice with a couple of my other plugins — in particular it seems to have a strange effect on Miniblog – it seems to interfere with the way the miniblog entries are called. Also (more worryingly), my blog started sending comment notifications to the wrong email address. So I’ve uninstalled for the time being. Any ideas on what might be going wrong (when you have time)?

  24. Could you send me an example of the strange effect?

    It may sound a stupid question, but did you hook the comment notification message? There’s no way for Inscript to hook things unless told to do so, and so it shouldnt be possible for it to be causing wierd things like sending emails to random people.

  25. hi john,

    inscript looks pretty powerful! i’m not sure if it will help me do what i initially looked into it for though? i’d like to take my vbulletin forum login and insert it onto my wordpress page (which i think is possible even without inscript) and then if the vb user is logged in use inscript to automatically insert their vb username into the comment form’s name field (as a hidden value); if a vb user is not logged in then it would just show “guest” in the comment form’s name field. this way if they log into the forums they are simultaneously logged into the wordpress commenting system as well. hope that makes sense! (and moreso, hope it’s possible!)


  26. I’ve been trying to show AdSense blocks in my posts, and I’d like to do so without shutting off autop and texturize for the whole site. So far, no other plugin has worked for me (including adsense.php and Adsense Deluze) — InScript looks like what I need.

    Except that it doesn’t work for me either. 😉 I think I must be doing something wrong. Here’s what I’m doing:

    1. I’ve turned on “hook to post content.”
    2. Where I want an ad, I’ve inserted a short function for google_adsense, and plugged in my code.

    When I save the post, the ad doesn’t display. If I view the source, I find it in there — but it still has the br tags that WP has automatically inserted, even though the google_adsense function should be skipping those. Even if I manually add a ‘wp=”off”‘ to the function, it still doesn’t work.

    What am I missing? (And thanks in advance for your help!)

  27. Jon: I’m not sure I understand you correctly – you want it so that when you log into vbulletin, you are also logged into WordPress? If this is the case then you’ll need to do it from within vbulletin itself, and ‘chain’ the login to WordPress. You should never trust the data being sent back to you as it is very easy to fake, and this includes any hidden values.

  28. Martin: Are other Inscript functions working correctly? For example, if you enter %%system%% into the post does it display some details about your webhost, or %%system%%? If that is working correctly then can you send me the text from your post? (the text stored inside WordPress, not the text that is displayed)

  29. Hi,

    I’m trying to install your plugin on my WordPress installation because it seems the perfect way to turn off WordPress’ textuize functions in a single page, where I want to post some Google Maps sourcecode within WordPress.

    I’ve downloaded it, unzipped and uploaded into my plugin directory on the server. I’ve activated it in the plugins section within the admin interface on my WordPress blog. I’ve made a new page and postet %%php_version%% on it. I opened this page in my browser and see a page with the text %%php_version%% and not the PHP versionnumber. What did I wrong? Can you help me? I’ve read the manual three times but couldn’t find a solution.

  30. Yea I got it working. My PHP was compiled with –disable-ctype so I had to workaround this. I added this two functions on the top of the plugin (after the licence text):

    // enable the ctype_al$something() functions if they are disabled
    if(!function_exists('ctype_alpha')){ function ctype_alpha($sring){ return !preg_match('([^a-zA-Z])', $string); } }
    if(!function_exists('ctype_alnum')){ function ctype_alnum($sring){ return !preg_match('([^a-zA-Z0-9])', $string); } }

    And now it works perfectly! Thanks for this great plugin!

  31. Martin: The best way to use google_adsense is to create an InScript variable that contains all of your AdSense code. So, for example, you could create a variable called ‘google_code’. Then in your post you can insert: %%google_adsense [code=!!google_code!!]%% (the !! indicates it is an InScript variable).

    This menthod ensures that WordPress does not try to reformat your code before it is saved, and before InScript even has chance to look at it.

  32. Thanks for the tip Jeena, I’ll include that in the next version so no one else experiences the problem. It’s bizarre that someone would purposefully disable ctype functions on a webhost!

  33. John, it seems to be the default setting on gentoos PHP >= 4.4 duno why. I’ve changed a little bit the behaviour, I think this version makes more sense:

    // enable the ctype_al[somethin]() functions if they are disabled
    function ctype_alpha($string){
    return preg_match('/^[a-z]*$/i', $string);
    function ctype_alnum($string){
    return preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]*$/i', $string);

  34. I am a big fan of your headspace plug-in not only for its functionality but also it’s ease of use. I have installed the InScript plug-in and am having a very hard time getting the headspace equivalents of “head_keywords” and “head_description” to work. I’ve tested the InScript plug-in and made sure it works. I was able to implement Example 4 of the documentation after adding more Hooks. Is there a hook that I’m missing that isn’t listed in the codex? I think a lot of people who would like to shift from HeadSpace to InScript could use an example of how to make a smooth transition.

  35. Hi Alex, there’s an example of setting keywords and description on page 19 of the PDF. You’ll need to hook ‘wp_head’, so make sure that is enabled.

  36. Hi,

    I am looking for a wp-plugin to have meta tags like title and description on each post not having the title and description of the homepage but those from each post.
    I put your inscript to my wp plugin-folder and activated it.

    In options-inscript I do not know what to do, what to activate? What code to put on what place?

    Sorry about my bad English. I am not a developer. Do I have to put code in the index.php?

    Can you help me? With words a non-developer can understand.

  37. Hi Chris,

    To get meta tags you will need to enable ‘Header data (wp_head)’ in Hooked Actions. Then follow the instructions at the bottom of page 19 of the guide. You could also look at another plugin I wrote called HeadSpace, which does the same thing but is only targetted at meta tags and so is much easier to use.

  38. Hi,

    Is there anyway to echo %% (from within a function block) without InScript parsing it? Eg. I want to echo %%bloginfo%%, but InScript parses it and I end up getting:

    — no func bloginfo —


  39. […] Giraffe Theme是我目前知道第一個可以由WP 管理介面做版面變動的Theme,所以你可以快速的切換Theme的顏色與樣式,其是利用Graffe Theme Plugin在Plugin目錄儲存基本主要的範本,在你做變動後將檔案存入你theme的目錄之內,做為快速切換的技術。所以剛開始怎不管再怎麼改CSS檔,在變動後就會還原為原本的樣子,還以為我眼花了或Cache的問題。其實作者的另一個作品更有名InScript, Blogging Pro China介紹說今年最有創意的plugin。 那我也拿了Giraffe Theme來換換看,結果還不錯! 但其中有個地方就是很麻煩. IE居然看不懂,只有Firefox.那該怎麼辦呢? 只好放棄囉,這二家的東西還真是麻煩,主要的麻煩是所使用的plugin,作者如果是針對IE寫的,é‚£Firefox多少會有問題,相反也是. 以下這段可以不用外掛就可以處理在連結(link)旁有個小圖示,簡單又好用,可惜只有Firefox看的懂,IE根本就是瞎子,不給它當回事。…到底是不能這麼寫還是IE不支援呢? .entry p a[href ^="http://"], .entrytext p a[href ^="http://"], .commentlist p a[href ^="http://"], .entrytext ul a[href ^="http://"], .entry ul a[href ^="http://"] { background: url(blue/external.png) center right no-repeat; padding-right: 13px; } .entry a[href ^=""], .entrytext a[href ^=""], .commentlist p a[href ^=""] { background: none !important; padding-right: 0 !important; } […]

  40. Hi John,

    when I wrote my first post here on November 19th, 2005 at 12:01 pm I just gave up with your Inscript plugin and installed Headspace. It works and I can add meta tags like description and keywords to each new of my posts and pages, but not to my homepage as the opening page of my site. How can I do this only for the homepage, not to overwrite the posts and pages?

    If I “update” to Inscript would the meta-tags I set with HeadSpace stay on the posts and pages I have created before with HeadSpace? I would like to go on trying to install Inscript, but I am afraid that all my “old” posts and pages have to be rebuild again.

    Thank you!

  41. […] January 3, 2006 at 2:12 pm · Filed under Web InScript是一个WordPress的控件. 正好赶上装WP2.0, 其他的Code Highlight plugin不是不兼容就是有问题装不上,看了wordpresscn.com上的推荐,就装了一个。感觉还真是不错,构架上,可扩展性上,就是用起来稍微复杂了一点,不仔细看看说明文档,还真不知道怎么折腾。还是强烈推荐,特别是搞技术的同志,可以在WordPress上试试这个东西。 主页: 说明文档: wordpresscn.com上的简单介绍: […]

  42. Is there supposed to be an inscript.php in the zip? I dropped the inscript folder into my plugins directory and it doesn’t show up in my plugins manager. But there was no inscript.php in the downloaded package.

  43. OK, I’m missing something.

    I’m trying to get InScript to embed a html fragment from another site into a page on my WP. The idea is that my WP page supplies:

    The dates of the tournament are:

    and then the ouside html fragment file supplies:

    Boise, June 10th
    Boston, June 11th
    Butte, June 12

    all nicely inlined html, then on to the next entry with it’s inlined html fragment from a different site, etc.

    However, there is some basic “ah-ha” I’m missing on getting this to work, in all the features I’m not putting together func & url together conceptually. Any pointers to get me on the right page?

  44. Hi! I just installed InScript and I am happy about the flexibility of this plugin. I just started with reading the manual and tried to insert meta-tags to my blog, but it did not work.

    I installed the plugin, left all in default. Then I went to “Create new global keyword”.
    I added to “Filter/Action”: “wp_head”
    And to “Data”: “”

    But nothing appeared in my blog-head. 🙁
    Does anyone know, where to problem is?


  45. Lois: The zip you downloaded should contain an inscript.php and an inscript directory. Both of these need to be uploaded into the plugins directory

  46. Michael: It sounds like you’ll need to create your own Inscript function to capture the HTML fragment. The best place to start is by copying an existing function, and changing the function name to be inscript_func_yourfunctionname. After that you’ll have to insert the code to extract the HTML.

    Jens: I think something may have been cut from your comment. To insert an HTML keyword you should take a look at page 19 of the guide. In the data section of your global keyword you should then insert something like is shown on the bottom of page 19.

  47. Hi John!
    Yip, my code has been killed. 😉
    But I have read the manual before I posted… and I wonder if I have done something wrong… can you please send me a mail, so I can send a screenshot of my options to you? I dont know to debug otherwise… 🙁


  48. Jens: Could it be that you haven’t selected “Header Data” in the “Hooked Actions” section of the options page?

    John: Great and useful plugin!

  49. I read the complete manual, above replies and installed INSCRIPT. I wish this is a substitution of a number of plugins. But.. I am a novice wordpress user. I tried to use inscript for replacing the head_title (title of the page) for specific page. But I couldnot succeed. In the above Replies you refered Page 19 of instruction. I went there (manual p 19) but there is no example for my need. Will you please write the example here for novice people like me! I would be really thankful. (but pls don’t direct me to HeadSpace. Because I want to change some more items for specific posts. like keywords, description, etc. which would help me for search engines. )

  50. You’ll have to post that again (escaping any HTML entities), or email it to me, as WordPress has stripped out whatever it is you wrote!

  51. Bearded: To change meta data in a specific post/page, make sure you have hooked ‘wp_head’ and then add a new custom field to the post (see page 10 of the doc) that looks something like:

    inscript_wp_head = %%head_keywords [keywords=somekeywords]%%

  52. Hi,
    InScript does not seem to work for me. I’m using WP 2.02
    I put this in a post, I just put it in the post after installing
    br /> !!log!!
    !!rss!! !!123!!
    %%function [param1=!!changelog!!]%%
    This is an example sentence.
    None of them worked. I went and added the variables where you said, in the name box I put “rss” and left out the !!, isn’t this what I am supposed to do? After that I tried an example in the manual and it still didn’t work it just shows the text and like !!123!! and on the it left out the

  53. It’s very nice when putting title tags onto individual pages, but on category pages you get two title tags – the category title tag and some way below it the title tag of the top post.

    I would like to be able to get rid of the title tag of that top post, but can’t figure it out. Global fields seem too sweeping, unless there’s a way of doing it that applies to each separate category.

  54. Joe: Are you 100% that you hooked into the appropriate filter? If you did then the values you entered, even if wrong, will be replaced by an InScript error message. If you haven’t then they will just appear exactly as you enter.

    Richard: That sounds like it may be aspect of the theme. It’s impossible for me to say anymore here. If you have the problem available online then I can take a look

  55. Okay, thank God. 🙂 I need this script for similar reasons to other people: adsense deluxe doesn’t work with the TextControl plugin, but it was the only way I could figure out how to turn off default WP formatting for my custom php hacks.

    Now I’m trying your plugin but I’m not using it right. (This is awful … prepare yourself …)

    The gratuitious line breaks are still there. I know I’m not combining my function and inscript the right way. Any tips? Sorry to ask such a dumb question.

  56. My code got stripped out. Let me try again ….

    <inscript text="%1" wp="off">
    $query = "patriotic or liberty or american and not (checkers or baby or tooth)";
    ?> </inscript>

  57. I have all hooks enabled, but can’t seem to get inscript to work. For example, inputting %%system%% into a post only returns %%system%%—that is, no inscript error message.

    Based on previously-answered rsponses, it’s something in the Theme.

    I’m a WP newbie—any suggestions on where to start troubleshooting?


  58. Blake, you will need to ‘escape’ the text. All special HTML characters (such as the <) need to be turned into HTML entities (such as &lt;) otherwise they will not appear or get stripped out by WordPress before InScript has a change to look at it.

  59. John,
    This plugin looks like it should do 3 or 4 things that I could really ue. Except, I’m just not getting how to get it up and running.

    I’m on WordPress 2.0.2 using the giraffe2 theme (which is fantastic!)

    The plugin is installed and activated. The inscript directory permissions are 777 and auto.php is in there.

    The hooks for the_content the_excerpt wp_head wp_footer wp_meta are all check marked..

    The suggested tests using %%system%% and %%php_info%% render with the post contents and no system or php_info information. Viewing source shows no sign of the functions, either.

    If I use inscript function tags, those show up when I view the source for the rendered page, but nothing is displayed except the content.

    I appologize if I’m missing something obvious here but this is driving me nuts. I’m sure I’ve read every word on this web site and in the manual. (Except the ones addressing whatever I’m missing. 🙂


  60. It worked for me. I used it to insert post specific meta tags and adsense code. Inscript is remarkable.

    The problem is though, I am not entirely sure how to use Inscript for main index only meta tags without resorting to using the global tags. Let alone doing category specific meta tags. Although it seems Headspace 2 can do category specific tags now.

    If Headspace 2 can do it, I am wondering if Inscript can. Since Inscript is so powerful.

  61. Eric, when you view the source does %%system%% appear in the text, or is that missing?

    Wilson, you probably could do something like that by creating your own pieces of code, but it may be easier to use HeadSpace2 as it’s more specific for that purpose.

  62. John, sorry for the long delay. Busy summer and complete overhaul of all my compter systems sucked up a bunch of time.

    %%system%% does not appear in the source text.

    I don’t know if there’s hosts with known issues. I’m hosting at Hostgator.


  63. Hello,
    Just wondering if anyone could help. I did something stupid and started my blog using a numerical archive system, and now I'd like to change it so that the post title is part of the URL for SEO reasons. Is there any WordPress plugins that anyone knows of that could switch it without sending Googlers to invalid pages? Maybe some sort of redirector to the correct page?


  64. John, with inscript WP becomes a Porsche CMS, great job!
    1/ %%random_line is a great function. I there an inscript function that allows me to show content within a page or post only for a certain period of time and then shows default content instead or other content with a *timer* (I know there is a way to do that with a php function)
    2/ Is there an inscript function that allows to disable a post at a certain point of time?
    3/ Can I use headspace and inscript at the same time?
    4/ (Probably stupid…) How do I use inscript to specify a head_title for a certain page or post? In the “Custom field” section within the “write post/page” page, and if yes do I have to use a variable like !!something!! as the value or can I use plain text or whatever in the value field? (I would like to see all meta values on the “write post/page” page instead of jumpimg to the “Options>Inscript” Page …)
    Thanks for your help! And thank you for inscript!

  65. Hi John,
    I just installed WP 2.1, activated Inscript, defined hooks and (as a test) !!anything!! under Options>Inscript, inserted !!anything!! in a post and the value of !!anything!! is shown but with the following warning above:

    Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/www/web12/html/wp-content/plugins/inscript.php on line 708

    Can you please help me?

  66. I’m very interested in this plugin, but I’m getting an error message I don’t understand…

    Anytime I try to do anything on the InScript options page, I get the following error:

    Could not update the auto.php file – check write permissions on the inscript directory

    I’ve uploaded the inscript directory and given it CHMOD 777 permissions, but I can’t even find an auto.php file…what am I missing?

    I’m running WP2.0.7 with InScript 1.7.1.

    Thanks in advance for the help…

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