Download: | Search Unleashed |
Version: | 1.0.6 |
Supports: | WordPress 2.9.2 – 3.0 |
Other: | WordPress.org | SVN |
Support: | This plugin is no longer actively maintained |
Search Unleashed extends the standard WordPress search with customisable search engines, including MySQL’s full text and Zend’s Lucene, as well as word highlighting and the ability to search across posts, pages, comments, titles, URLs, and meta-data.
The plugin also ensures that a search is performed against what a web browser sees, not what is contained within the database. For example, a lot of plugins will insert data into posts using shortcodes. Because this data is inserted run-time it is not included in any search results – the data is invisible. Search Unleashed performs searches across all data, including that added by plugins.
Some features of this plugin are:
- Customisable search engines (default WordPress, indexed WordPress, MySQL fulltext, Zend Lucene)
- Optional wildcards and logical search operations
- Optional prioritisation of fields – you decide what is more important
- Search posts, pages, comments, titles, URLs, tags, and meta-data (all configurable)
- Search data after it has been processed by plugins, not before
- Search highlighting of all searches, including titles and comments
- Search highlighting of incoming searches from external search engines (such as Google)
- Search results show contextual search information, not just a post excerpt
- Record search phrases and display in a log
- Exclude specific posts and pages from results
- No changes required to your theme
- No changes made to standard WordPress database tables
- Advanced search widget (WP 2.8+)
Search Unleashed is available in the following languages (included in the plugin):
- English
- Deutsch, thanks to Frank Bueltge, Gerhard Lehnhoff, and Andre
- Swedish, thanks to Olle Hellgren
- Russian, thanks to lecactus
- Italiano, thanks to Dario
- Dutch, thanks to Evert Jan van Ramselaar
- French, thanks to Vincent Granger
- Polish, thanks to Krzysztof Kowalik
- Spanish, thanks to Ivan Garcia
- Turkish, thanks to Mehmet Karaca
- Japanese, thanks to Hiroaki Miyashita
- Simplified Chinese, thanks to Yunfang Shang
- Brazilian Portuguese, thanks to Joao Miguel Aliano
- Danish, thanks to Georg S. Adamsen
- Czech, thanks Pavel Soukenik
- Slovenian, thanks to Rok
- Bahasa Indonesion, thanks to Dhany
Full installation details can be found in How to Install a WordPress Plugin.
How it works
Search Unleashed works by maintaining a search index that includes all processed information from your site. This is unlike the default WordPress search and most other search plugins, which directly use post data. Although maintaining a separate index is initially more work, the benefits are that a search is faster (it is only looking through relevant information) and can be made on data after processing by plugins. This last point is a key feature of Search Unleashed, and an example is given below.
A lot of plugins provide the ability to insert or modify data dynamically. This is typically achieved by inserting special shortcodes into posts. For example, Sniplets is a plugin to insert data into a post:
[sniplet some processed data]
This is fine when displaying the page, but when it comes to searching, the default search only sees the shortcode and not the end result. This means that any dynamically added data is invisible to the search, making the search itself somewhat less useful.
Search Unleashed indexes data after it has been processed by plugins, making all dynamically modified data visible to searches. The index is maintained separately to core WordPress data, so there is no worry of any corruption or incompatibilities caused by future upgrades.
Configuring the plugin
So you’ve installed the plugin, tried a search, and nothing happened. What’s wrong? First you need to configure the plugin. Don’t worry, this stage is painless and only needs be done once.
Configuration of the plugin takes place from the Search Unleashed administration page:
There are several sub-pages, each accessible from the menu at the top of the page:
Modules determine what data Search Unleashed indexes. For example, you can configure Search Unleashed to index post content, title, and URL.
Modules are enabled or disabled by checking the box on the left:
Modules can be configured by clicking the edit icon on the right:
Note that although a priority is provided in each module, only the Lucene and MySQL fulltext search engines use this. Details on prioritisation can be found in the Search Engine section.
The following modules are provided:
- Post content
- Post excerpt
- Post category
- Post author
- Post meta-data
- Post slug (URL)
- Post title
- Tags
- Comment author URL
- Comment content
- Comment author
Note that ‘post’ includes pages.
The options page is split into several sections.
General Options
- Log expiry – Configure how many days worth of log data to retain. Enter 0 for no expiry, or -1 for no logs
- Replace category archive – Replace the category archive with a search based on the category name. That is, replace the ‘WordPress’ category archive with search results for ‘WordPress’
- Replace tag archive – As above, but replaces a tag archive page with search results
Spider Options
- Search Engine – Select which search engine to use (see Search Engines below)
- Pages to exclude – Post/page IDs that will not be included in search results
- Categories to exclude – Category IDs where posts in that category will not be include in search results
- Include – Specify whether to include pages, posts, password-protected posts, private posts, or draft posts
Theme Options
- Force content display – Some themes, such as the ‘default’ theme, do not show any post content when displaying search results. This option tries to force the display of post content so that it can be highlighted.
- Search results page title – Change the title of the search results page to reflect the search conditions (i.e. includes the search phrase and number of result pages in the page title)
- Highlight searches – Highlight search results
- Highlight incoming searches – Incoming searches are from external search pages such as Google. Note that this may interfere with WP Cache and WP Super Cache
- Theme title position – Modify this if your title is not highlighted correctly
Search Style
- Include highlight CSS – Include the CSS for highlighting search results. Disabling this will require you to use your own CSS
- Highlight colour – Select CSS colour values for highlighted phrases
Search Unleashed allows you to perform searches across the results of all plugins. Sometimes you may have a plugin that adds data that you do not want included in your search results. To achieve this you can use the filters page to disable WordPress filters when data is being indexed. This does not affect the plugin at any other time.
The list of filters will vary according to the theme and plugins you have installed:
Note that this is an advanced feature – do not use unless you understand the effects.
Search Engines
A search engine provides search functionality. Search Unleashed has four search engines, each of which has advantages and disadvantages:
- Default WordPress
- Indexed WordPress
- MySQL Fulltext
- Lucene
A comparison of the engines is shown below:
Needs Indexing | Include Plugins | Logical Search | Prioritization | Medium | |
Default WordPress | No | — | — | — | DB |
Indexed WordPress | Yes | Yes | — | — | DB |
MySQL Fulltext | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | DB |
Lucene | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | File |
You should select a search engine that provides features appropriate to your blog. The Lucene engine requires write access to your wp-content/cache
directory and is file-based, whereas all other engines work directly from your database. All search engines will allow highlighting of search phrases.
Prioritization allows you to assign more weight to certain modules, which in turn affects the order of results – posts with more weight appear higher in results, posts with less weight appear later.
For example, you may decide that the title and URL should be more important than meta-data. In this instance you could change the priority of the title and URL module to have a higher priority than the standard 1.0. Setting a priority less than 1.0 will give it less weight.
Depending on your choice of search engine you may need to index your database. This process runs through all your posts and stores the plugin-processed data in a separate search index. This process only needs to be performed once. Future modifications to posts will be automatically included in the index.
The default WordPress engine requires no indexing.
Indexing consists of visiting the search index page and pressing re-index button. Your database will then be indexed and a progress bar will show the state of this operation.
Search Log
Search Unleashed can be configured to record a log of searched phrases. This can be viewed from the log sub menu.
Logical Searching
Search Unleashed tries to be as simple as possible for users performing searches and does not present a complicated set of search options. Instead a search is performed across all indexed data, and can be made using a similar syntax to what is used in popular search engines like Google or Yahoo.
Wildcards are supported through a *
, but only when ‘full text’ searching is enabled:
This will find all words that start with head
Words can marked as required or not required using +
and -
+headspace - the word 'headspace' must exist
-headspace - the word 'headspace' must not exist
An exact phrase can be included by wrapping the phrase in quotes:
'exact search phrase'
Logical inclusion also works:
headspace AND plugin = +headspace +plugin
Here both headspace
and plugin
must exist.
Unlike some other plugins, Search Unleashed allows you to search for words smaller than four characters in length.
Incoming Results Template
Incoming results are highlighted using a default template. It is possible to change this template by performing the following steps:
- Create a directory
inside your theme - Copy the file
to the newly created directory in your theme - Modify the copied file as appropriate
Note that the template file is separate from the plugin so you can update the plugin without needing to update the template.
Support & Bugs
This plugin is no longer actively maintained
I’m having problems installing Search Unleashed and get the following error on activation. I’m running the latest version of your plugin… can you suggest anything that I might be doing wrong?
WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8’ at line 8]
int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,comment_id
int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’,content
text, PRIMARY KEY (post_id
), FULLTEXT KEYcontent
) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8’ at line 8]
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS swwp_search_phrases (
int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,phrase
varchar(100) NOT NULL default ”,ip
int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,searched_at
datetime NOT NULL,referrer
varchar(100) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id
) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8Simon, what version of MySQL are you using? It seems like it doesn’t like the database creation script.
Errors on new version… v2.4
Doing a search i get:
WordPress database error: [Table ‘XXXXXXX.wp_search_phrases’ doesn’t exist]
INSERT INTO wp_search_phrases (phrase,ip,searched_at) VALUES (‘TESTE’,’3246986374′,NOW())
WordPress database error: [Table ‘XXXXXXXX.wp_search’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT DISTINCT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.*, ((0.6 * MATCH(content) AGAINST (‘TESTE’ IN BOOLEAN MODE)) + (1.3 * MATCH(priority) AGAINST (‘TESTE’ IN BOOLEAN MODE))) AS score, COUNT(post_id) AS multiple,MAX(wp_search.comment_id) AS comment_id FROM wp_search,wp_posts WHERE (MATCH(content,priority) AGAINST (‘TESTE’ IN BOOLEAN MODE)) AND wp_search.post_id=wp_posts.ID AND post_password=” AND (wp_posts.post_status=’publish’) AND post_date
On options i get:
WordPress database error: [Table ‘vdias_wrdp1.wp_search’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_search
@John, MySQL v4.1.20. Let me know if you need me to do or try anything else.
What databases are the ones that im missing…???
Why are they cret when i install the plugin???
These last few versions have fixed all the "trouble" I had been having with my custom theme. Thanks so much for the effort John. Is still no way to have the incoming searches placed manually?
I also have the same type of WordPress database errors
I’m using WP 2.3.1 / MySQL 4.1
[You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8’ at line 8]
int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,comment_id
int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’,content
text, PRIMARY KEY (post_id
), FULLTEXT KEYcontent
) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8[You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8’ at line 8]
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS techno_search_phrases (
int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,phrase
varchar(100) NOT NULL default ”,ip
int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,searched_at
datetime NOT NULL,referrer
varchar(100) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id
) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8And if I try to do a simple search like "utf-8" on your own WebSite I get :
WordPress database error: [Table ‘urbangiraffe_live.wp_search_phrases’ doesn’t exist]
INSERT INTO wp_search_phrases (phrase,ip,searched_at) VALUES (‘utf-8′,’1162275486’,NOW())
[…] damit die Suche besser klappt, habe ich eben das Plugin Search Unleashed von John Godley eingerichtet. Das erweitert die WP-Suchfunktion und stellt eine Volltext-Suche zur […]
when indexing posts the process would crash about half way through and only half the posts indexed. it seems there is something in one of the posts that is causing the errant behavior. screen would just hang. comments indexed fine. deactivated and reactivated and now it says wp_search table not in database and will not index at all although it still crashes about half way when routine is run.
any ideas on how to fix? thanks
[…] Search Unleashed […]
hey, thanks for the great plugins. Just sent you 10 quid via paypal. I know it’s not much but i hope others are also contributing.
I’m getting an error when deactivating the new 0.2.4 version of the plugin. I suppose there would be similar errors as others have reported, had I installed Search Unleashed fresh instead of upgrading. 0.2.3 deactivates just fine. MySql version 4.1.11.
"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class SU_Database in /…/www/wp/wp-content/plugins/search-unleashed/models/database.php on line 3"
When I deactivate the plugin, the following mistake appears
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class su_database in /usr/home/almendron/www/tribuna/wp-content/plugins/search-unleashed/models/database.php on line 4
Please it erases the url of the commentary. Thank you very much
Oh dear, more problems… SU doesn’t seem to find newly-created protected posts. They’re definitely there – when I list posts by tag (?tag=) they’re in the results, but when I search for a word in the post (?s=) it isn’t found.
I’ve re-indexed, played with the options, even re-installed SU, but no luck. Any ideas?
sorry, ignore the last comment; it works fine now, must have been a cache thing.
Where can i download the old version?
This 0.24 doesn’t work with me…
Hi, I’m trying to translate this plugin to italian, you can find my .po and .mo files here at
What I don’t understand is why after translating it, the plugin still uses the english strings? Just look at this:
You arrived here after searching for the following phrase:
* america
Clicca su un termine per andare direttamente alla sua prima occorenza, oppure torna ai risultati di ricerca.
It’s half english and half italian; what does it mean? I made the PO files using POedit for Windows, it’s my first po file and it’s still uncomplete, but surely it includes the string your plugin show in english. What’s wrong here? Thanks in advance,
can anyone please leaver here all the layout of the database for this plugin…
Because I’m using an older MySQL (4.0.15), installation of the tables failed (parse error on ‘Engine=MyISAM’). No biggie.
Deactivate provided the same error Antti reported: "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class SU_Database in /…/www/wp/wp-content/plugins/search-unleashed/models/database.php on line 3"
However, no problem on reactivation. But subsequent deactivation provides same error.
But the ‘gotcha’ problem, which still exists since (0.1.3), is that re-indexing posts uses a busted query: on line 215 in models/spider.php ‘ VALUE ‘ should be ‘ VALUES ‘. Later versions of MySQL do accept ‘ VALUE ‘, but the specification is for ‘ VALUES ‘.
I’m not going to donate to prevent kittens from crying to support stuff like this! 🙂
hello John, I have one question:
any idea why the tags displayed below my posts do not get highlighted? The search term gets highlighted in the title, the content and the comments but not in the tags…
i’m more than happy to feed the kitty if i can find out why only SOME of my posts show up
it seems they stop after a certain date
is this a limitation with your plugin or with the default search form?
never mind
it was listing all the results, however the previous web dev person forgot to add links at the bottom of the page for previous, etc.
are there any plans on making categories names searchable? for instance, if i have a category called "desserts" and i search for "desserts" shouldn’t all the posts under that category show up in the results?
also, i’m still rather confused as to how the search results are ordered…
if i search for "almond flour" shouldn’t the post with "almond flour" as the title get top ranking? meaning, shouldn’t titles with the search term you entered, if they match exactly, show up first?
where could I edit the "template" of the part that is displayed when somebody comes to my site from a search engine, where it says, you came here from google, and searched for YXXXx whatever, etc,etc. because I would love to also integrate 3 similar posts there…
just need to know which file I have to edit…
Do you have a pot-file available for Search Unleashed. I’d like to make a Dutch translation.
I just noticed, that when someone is searching i.e. google for: site:urbangiraffe.com which will show all indexed content of your domain, and clicks one of the results, search unleashed will show this text for the search keyword:
siteurbangiraffecom and of course this keyword will not be found on the page, try this:
http://www.google.com/search?q=site:pacura.ru&hl=en and click on any of the search results, linking to a post
Finaly i manage to put everything working…
i needed to create the 2 tables by hand… since the plugin was not creating them…
I just copied the info from database.php and created the two tables on phpmyadmin…
For all having the same problem…
$wpdb->query ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$wpdb->prefix}search (
int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,comment_id
int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’,content
$wpdb->query ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$wpdb->prefix}search_phrases (
int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,phrase
varchar(100) NOT NULL default ”,ip
int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,searched_at
datetime NOT NULL,referrer
varchar(100) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (
This looks like great plugin. A feature that would make this absolutely perfect would be the ability to restrict the search within blog categories.
[…] WPå®˜æ–¹ä¸‹è½½é¡µé¢ | æ’ä»¶ä½œè€…ä¸‹è½½é¡µé¢ […]
Eskwayrd, I’ve put in some compatibility functions so an error won’t be reported in older versions of MySQL. I’ve also fixed the values typo.
Annelies, a language file is included within the plugin – search-unleashed/locale/messages.po. Thanks in advance for any translation!
Dario, thanks for the Italian translation and I’ve included the files in the plugin. The reason you get some English in the search results is because you haven’t setup poEdit correctly for plural forms. See my localisation guide for more details about how to do this.
Ovidiu, I’ve removed Google’s site prefix. If you are using WP 2.3 then WordPress tags will be highlighted. I’ve updated the docs about how to edit the display template
Is there any reason why this search when viewing one of the entries it says Google Search Results? I’m using 0.2.5 according to the plugin page in wordpress.
Also is there any way to get the css file to work out of the theme/view/serach-unleased/ directory? I’m not a fan on your default colors (no offense).
Also it looks like when coming from the google search Night Audit and viewing my page in the list there is no search result box at all displayed.
Now it seems I’m not getting it on my pages either. Try the search from my last comment. The incoming results no longer show.
One more and then I’ll wait. Not sure what happened with the no incoming results not showing. I reindexed and it shows on my pages again. Still don’t get it from the google searches and on my pages it still says Google Search Results.
Ok I lied. Been doing some looking. In the search unleashed search log it shows searches done on my site show up as google searches. It looks like on the search result page it shows as no referrer. It is once you follow a link to an entry that it shows as google for the referrer. Maybe this is related to it showing up as a Google Search Results.
Am trying to get the swedish translation to work, to no luck. It appears as though the .po file is flawlessly built but the thing that ruins everything seems to be the incoming_local.php, located in the ‘view’-directory. Have been trying to manually translate that file but then i, obviously, get really fucked up letters.
Ignore all of my last posts. I deleted the folder and re uploaded version 0.2.5. But now for some reason It doesn’t seem to be indexing my latest posts. But looking in the database the last few posts are indeed there. They just don’t seem to display for some reason. Not sure what is going on.
Problems with languages other than English
Hi John,
I was so happy to get finally version 2.5 installed without DB-errors. Than I saw, that the German translation was not the best and I translated most again in proper German language. Doing that, I recognised that a view phrases have not been set-up with the translation-function and I changed that code. All was working fine and I was ready to send my Version 2.5-gl01 over to you for your integration.
BUT, unfortunately, I recognised that searches work with Englisch characters only. That is to say that no country with letters other than English (e.g. äöüßé…) can use the tool. For Europe this is to say that it is not usable for almost all European languages and countries. This is bad, because what you developed is great and I need it urgently.
What can we do? How can I support you? Shall I send over to you what I have done so far and you check for special non-English characters? Or can you tell me where I have to look in your code in order to do this fix by myself and than send the new code over to you?
Thanks – gl
Sorry, that the message before is set-up twice.
Problems with languages other than English seems to be more complicated
Dear John,
I just recognised that it works in some cases in other not. I did not find out yet whether Themes or posts entered after and before the plugin has been set-up are responsible. Porbably you know.
Cheers – gl
Problems with languages other than English (Test-Results)
Here some funny test-results:
ärgern äärgern größer grösser gröxßer
öööö öxxö xxööxx
1: ärgern -> found twice (correct)
2: äärgern -> found once (correct)
3: größer -> not found (false)
4: grö -> found 3 times (correct)
5: größ -> not found (false)
6: ßer -> found twice (correct)
7: ößer -> not found (false)
8: gröxßer -> not found (false)
9: ää -> found twice (correct)
10: äää -> not found (false)
11: öx -> found 3 times (correct)
12: ööx -> not found (false)
13: ßß -> found once (correct)
14: ßßß -> not found (flase)
15: äärgern -> found once (correct)
16: äärger -> not found (false)
17: äärger* -> found once (correct)
Options: Text-Search
Theme: MistyLook-3.0-gl03
18: größer -> not found (false)
19: "größer" -> found once (correct)
Liam, how is incoming_local.php messing up the Swedish translation?
Turk, you can disable the CSS file from the options menu and define your own style in your theme.
Gerhard, Search Unleashed is designed to search any language, including non-English based languages. There is a section in the documentation titled ‘Search Modes’ that explains the differences between the different methods of searching, and why searches for sub-words may fail. Depending on your requirements you may need to change the mode. Search Unleashed is also currently designed for UTF-8 encoding.
Thank you very much for your plugin, keep up good work:)
Problems with languages other than English
Hi John,
thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, your reply does not cover the problem. If you have time to have again a look in my messages, you will read, that I search in Text-Mode and that even for words longer than 3 characters the search doesn’t work. And yes, my WordPress-Site is written in UTF-8.
I will do some more checks and will come back to you again. Or do you have a glue already what is going on here?
It would be interesting if other non-English have simelar problems.
New German version
The other message was, that I have a new German translation because your current one contains spelling mistakes, grammer mistakes, some vague german terms, and not translated phrases. Even more, not everywhere in your code the translation-function has been used so I changed a bit of the code that now everything is translated, and that poEdit can be used for translation.
The question was, would you like to get it?
Cheers – gl
Further Tests
Hi John,
as mentioned already, the problems seems to me more complex.
(a) Special Characters (äöüß) seem to be a problem ONLY with imported pages and posts. The reason is, that in the standard posts-database these special German characters are encoded hex when imported. Let’s not consider this matter any more!
(b) I set up a Test-Blog and can give you access, if you like. I wrote 3 pages and one post. If I do a search, nothing is found. If I than go straight into a page the search-phrase is found and highlighted. This works independent of kind of characters, themes, and different options in the Search-Unleashed-Options-screen.
This is to say that we obviously do NOT have a problem with special characters, as long pages and posts are not imported.
But, nevertheless, no search results are displayed in the main screen.
Any idea? Do you want access to my Test-Blog?
Server: WordPress 2.2.3 on Standard LAMP-System. MySQL-Version 4.x. Search-Unleashed-Version 2.6 original. Do you think, that something is different on my Server? Are there any special requirements?
Client: Firefox-Browser on Ubuntu 7.10
Cheers – gl
… and again problems with special German characters!
I give up!. Different site, different theme, different server: Plugin works fine as long as I don’t search for special German characters,
E.g.: The word "Gemeinschaftshäuser" is found if I search for "Gemeinschaft*". Highlighted is "Geimeinschaftsh", so everything before the first special German character "ä". So I assume that the pluin assumes that the word ends here.
The word is not found id I search for "Gemeinschaft" or "Gemeinschaftshäuser".
Only you might know why this plugin works so different on my two servers.
I made a donation as a token of my gratitude.
Thanks for the great plugin!
Thanks aski, and all others who have done the same. It all goes towards continued development of the plugin.
Hi! I’m in the process of translating this plugin into French. However, I encounter the exact same problem as Dario (comment 199, Italian translation): everything works but the sentence "You arrived here after searching for the following phrase" (both forms). My Poedit catalog settings:
Language: French
Country: France
Charset: utf-8
Source charset: (blank)
Plural forms: nplurals=2; plural=n>1;
Any idea of what can be wrong? Thanks!
Hi, i want put in your attention an incompatibility with the Kipapa plugin (http://kipapa.it/link.php#blog, the author of that plugin told me for him is all ok with the code of his plugin) and when try to write a new post or modifying an existing one the error message appear is:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/mhd-01/www.digitalking.it/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/kipapa.php:27) in /home/mhd-01/www.digitalking.it/htdocs/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 391
However then the post results modified or published.
Simone, I’ve tried the Kipapa plugin and experienced the problem you described. I believe the problem to be with the Kipapa plugin itself, specifically this bit of code:
function insert_kipapa_button ($content)
echo add_kipapa ();
return $content;
The function should not echo anything to the screen but should return it:
function insert_kipapa_button ($content)
return add_kipapa ().$content;
That is the reason why it fails when saving a post with Search Unleashed enabled.
Saskia, did you set the keywords to accept
? See my translation guide – there’s an image showing the correct set of keywords for poEdit to correctly detect ngettext. Thanks in advance for the French translation!Hi John,
Yes, I did follow your guide. Just double-checked and everything is set correctly, as far as I can tell. The only lead I have is this message I get trying to open the "messages.po" file from the latest version of the plugin, downloaded on this page:
Broken catalog file: plural form msgstr used without msgid_plural
Broken catalog file: plural form msgstr used without msgid_plural
Couldn't load file ...\search-unleashed\locale\messages.po, it is probably corrupted.
I downloaded several times the plugin here but end up with the same error message every time. I started my translation using another locale .po file and changing the settings to French. But I guess it’s not a good way around. Any hint of what is going on? Thanks!
I’ll have a look at the messages.po file included with the plugin, it may well be corrupted. In the mean time you can generate your own .po file by letting poEdit scan the plugin files. This will ensure you have a fully correct file (I don’t always remember to update the messages.po myself!)
I’ve read through most of the posts above but didn’t see anyone describe this situation.
Upon installation and first indexing, of only posts and titles, the indexing proceeds part-way through, then seems to stop, error text and some text from a post briefly appear on the page, and then the indexing restarts, proceeds, stops, etc. over and over. And never gets beyond about 50% indexed.
We have hundreds of tables on our site [tvbythenumbers.com] created by WP-table and it would be a huge asset to be able to search within them on the site.
We are running WP 2.2.2, PHP 5.0.5, MySQL 5.0.45
These are the plug-ins we use. Perhaps there is a known conflict.
Search Unleashed 0.2.9
Akismet 2.0.2
All in One SEO Pack
Favicon Manager 0.1
Google Sitemaps 2.7.1
Post Template 1.2.1
WP-EMail 2.11
WP-Sticky 1.00
wp-Table 1.52
Thanks John! Super it works thanks! 🙂
Bill, that sounds like one of your plugins is incorrectly displaying data when it shouldn’t be. If you can isolate the plugin I can see if anything can be done in Search Unleashed or can contact the author (Akismet and All-in-one should be fine)
John, it seems that the problem is WP-Table [http://alexrabe.boelinger.com/?page_id=3]
I turned off all our plug-ins and the indexing completed just fine and then searching seemed to work fine, but I didn’t test it exhausitvely. Turning WP-Table on alone produced the same errors as before.
It’s a Catch-22 for us. I’d want to use Search Unleashed exactly to search within the tables produced by WP-Table. Although Google does index the contents of the tables, standard WordPress search does not.
Thanks for your help.
Hi, John
Thanks for the plugin!
I’m afraid it doesn’t work with IMM-glossary plugin – that plugin generates such pages:
http://example.net/pages/?page_id=37&Key=2 – this key=2 means second page, it uses pagination of glossary terms.
Is it somehow possible to include results from such pages?
Great plugin! [request added to tracker]
Hi John,
Great plugin! I love it!
I have translated things to Dutch. I mailed the language files to you by using your contact form.
nice plugin. One thing though, it does not work with inline php. when searching, it will display the php code insead of being parsed with that plugin
then again, it may be something with inline php plugin
[…] Search Unleashed – Advanced WordPress searches with highlighting | Urban Giraffe – […]
Had3z, it’s likely to be a problem with the inline plugin – what are you using?
Yoch, I’ve added your request to the new features list – the IMM plugin appears to work outside of the usual WordPress methods
It looks like not all the content is indexed, only the title. Is there any option to include the content of the post in the indexing or to increase the number of characters of the content in the indexing? Thanks
See the section about configuring the plugin – there is a post content module which will include the contents of your posts. There is no limit to the number of characters included within the index (within the constraints placed by MySQL anyway)
Just downloaded this (and search regex and sniplets) today – you’re a machine John. Having trouble re-indexing – nothing happens. I click "re-index posts" the loading bar appears, but it just hangs there – has anyone had this problem before? I’ve check through like 10 pages of comments and the support forums, couldn’t find anything.
Hi John, I just recently installed your plugin and at first could not figure out why my search results would always show results “plus” the same results again in a slender column going down the right hand side of the page. Took a few days to find the cause, I remembered I had checked an option called “Some themes don’t display any search result content. Enable this option to force the theme to display results”, once I unchecked that, it worked beautifully. Search Unleashed is an excellent program, the highlighting feature makes it a must have plugin. Just wanted to say thanks for a great plugin!!! Jeff
This is really a very nice plugin John but: I’ve read all the comments in this thread and tried everything you suggest still with no luck. Whenever I try to see the options in the plugin options page I get “Cannot load search-unleashed.php.” then, whenever I perform a search nothing is returned. Running on IIS6, PHP5+, MySQL 5+, WP 2.3.3 Downloaded the latest version (0.2.11) hoping it’d work but it didnt. This is sooooo upsetting since this plugin rocks but isn’t working. Any help on this? Thank you very much.
Jeromy, this is usually caused by another plugin inserting javascript into the Search Unleashed page. If you can locate which plugin you have that is causing the problem then I can try and stop it clashing.
Jon, have you installed the plugin in the correct directory structure? You should have wp-content/plugins/search-unleashed/search-unleashed.php
Is there a way that images show up in search results?
No, HTML is removed from search results.
Is there maybe a workaround for that? My site exists only out of images 🙂
Thanks for the great plugin. Will your plugin change the database structure?
It creates two new database tables, but does not make any changes to existing WordPress tables.
The plugin conflicts with Ajax Comments by Mike Smullin. Whenever I active the Search Unleashed plugin and post a comment, ‘Unknown’ is printed instate of commenter name and dont show the comment text. but the comment is shown after the page is refreshed.What is the prob? Any Help?
[…] das mir auch sehr übersichtlich die Suchbegriffe listet. Und wenn das nicht reicht, hat auch Search Unleashed eine nette Ãœbersicht parat. Dies sind jedenfalls meine Favoriten der vergangenen […]
Thanks very much for updating Search Everything to work with Organic theme so quickly!
[…] around, to find out that there is already a great plugin on highlighting search keywords, called Search Unleashed. In fact, it does more than […]
I have updated the great plugin to latest version, i encounter a problem when try to re-index tags, with IE7 seems doesn’t start the progress bar and at certain point the browser freeze, with Firefox still the progress bar doesn’t start and at certain point i receive a message that there is an error in the script and ask me if i want continue or stop, if stop then on the page appear this error message:
cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode() in /home/mhd-01/www.digitalking.it/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/search-unleashed/models/spider.php on line 266
this repeat many times!
what to do? thanks
mehedi, a new feature request has been created to cover the conflict.
Simone, this is fixed in 0.2.13
Hi John,
I have search unleashed working fine on one of my blogs (WP 2.3.3), but when I tried to install (0.2.12) on another I have no joy. I just get no results returned from any search. The indexing did not appear to run properly, but I turned off a couple of plugins and the indexing seemed to go smoothly, but still no search results. I tried turning off all my plugins with no success, and now I have tried 0.2.13 but it won’t activate, triggering a fatal error.
Any ideas about this?
See bug #114 – fixed.
[…] ИÑправлено 4 бага, ознакомитьÑÑ Ñ Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð¸ можно здеÑÑŒ на официальной Ñтранице […]
Hi John,
I really love you plugin, but i dont know why the plugin stop to work with my project (http://www.camarademariana.mg.gov.br).
I try all combinations in plugin options and nothing happens… When i install the plugin work perfectly, after make some changes (inside manage > search unleashed) only url is highlighted :\ (minutes ago after donate for your project 😐 )
I try remove all tables and reinstall de plugin 5 times!
*sorry my bad english :'(
Another problem: plugin crashed when use chars non-utf8…
I use latin1 and when write any word with ç, á, õ and others chars show this error:
Warning: preg_replace_callback() [function.preg-replace-callback]: Compilation failed: invalid UTF-8 string at offset 3 in /home/camarade/public_html/wp-content/plugins/search-unleashed/models/highlighter.php on line 119
Warning: preg_replace_callback() [function.preg-replace-callback]: Compilation failed: invalid UTF-8 string at offset 3 in /home/camarade/public_html/wp-content/plugins/search-unleashed/models/highlighter.php on line 119
Warning: preg_replace_callback() [function.preg-replace-callback]: Compilation failed: invalid UTF-8 string at offset 3 in /home/camarade/public_html/wp-content/plugins/search-unleashed/models/highlighter.php on line 119
Gabriel, see if 2.1.15 fixes bug #119
Hi John,
I will install and test 😉
Hi John,
I will install and test…
[5 minutes later]
0.15 installed but:
Warning: preg_replace_callback() [function.preg-replace-callback]: Compilation failed: invalid UTF-8 string at offset 3 in /home/camarade/public_html/wp-content/plugins/search-unleashed/models/highlighter.php on line 119
Warning: preg_replace_callback() [function.preg-replace-callback]: Compilation failed: invalid UTF-8 string at offset 3 in /home/camarade/public_html/wp-content/plugins/search-unleashed/models/highlighter.php on line 119
Warning: preg_replace_callback() [function.preg-replace-callback]: Compilation failed: invalid UTF-8 string at offset 3 in /home/camarade/public_html/wp-content/plugins/search-unleashed/models/highlighter.php on line 119
AND worst:
after i change some params the highlight dont work anymore :'( The funniest part of plugin!
i tried all combinations in magane > search unleashed and nothing… only url get highlight span 🙁
Gabriel, this error has been reported in the bug tracker as issue #124. Please add any more details there.
First, search_unleashed is a fantastic plugin. Thank you.
I installed the plugin, configured the settings and, indexed the site. Things seemed to be working fine. This site is under development so, much has happened/been added after the plugin was installed. Something, not sure what, happened and now, only the original page information that was present prior to installing and configuring the plugin is returning on searches. (there is a chance that I re-indexed the site outside of the prescribed scenarios). If I add or modify a page, that information is not being returned on searches.
So, I deactivated the plugin, removed the dir from the plugins dir, re-uploaded the zip, unzipped, reactivated, re-configured, and all the same information is present in the Search Unleashed admin area and it is behaving the same: no returns on newly added pages/information.
Other information that is worth noting: I have commented out the data in incoming_local.php as I did not want that information displayed after arriving at a destination page. I have deactivated all plugins installed after S_U. I have changed module options and re-indexed.
Thanks again.