AJAX Calendar


Download: AJAX Calendar
Version: 2.5
Supports: WordPress 2.9 – 3.1

AJAX Calendar is a plugin that will display an AJAXified WordPress calendar. This enhances the functionality of the standard calendar by:

  • Allowing the asynchronous navigation of months, without updating the page
  • Add to blog via a widget


To install the plugin:

  1. Download AJAX Calendar
  2. Unpack the zip. You should have a directory called ajax_calendar, containing several PHP files
  3. Upload the ajax_calendar directory to the wp-content/plugins directory on your WordPress installation.
  4. Enable the calendar in your theme from the Widget page
  5. Make any modifications to your theme, as required
  6. Activate plugin

You can find full details of installing a plugin on the plugin installation page.

Support & Bugs

Support and feature requests should be made through the AJAX Calendar support forum. You can contact me directly but I spend a very limited amount of time on direct support and you stand a better chance of being answered through the forum.

If you find the plugin useful then please do consider making a donation – it is appreciated and helps towards the maintenance of the plugin.



  1. WP Version 2.6.2
    AJAX Calendar Version: 2.4.8

    I receive the following error:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘*****_db1.wp_term_relationships’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT DISTINCT DAYOFMONTH(post_date) FROM *****_posts LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_term_relationships.object_id) LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy ON (wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id) WHERE MONTH(post_date) = 9 AND YEAR(post_date) = 2008 AND post_status = ‘publish’ AND post_type=’post’

    Revert to AJAX Calendar Version: 2.4.7

    Works with no Problems.

  2. Hi! Could you probably take a look on my website on the right side under “Beiträge”. There are some links in October missing at the beginning. As soon as I change to september and back to october all the entries are shown as they should. Do you have any idea? Tried to delete all possible caching-stuff, but nothing helped..

  3. How can I change the date format? I want “November »” instead of “Nov »” and also the first two diggits of the weekday. My PHP skills are really weak 🙁

  4. […] AJAX Calendarサイドバーにajax的にヌルヌル動くカレンダーを入れるプラグイン。詳しくはお右側のサイドバーをいぢってみてください。 […]

  5. I just plugged this into my wifes 2.7 blog and the linked dates do not show until you change the month. And if you change the page the links go away again. I did not modify anything except the date background color in the css file so I’m guessing 2.7 breaks it?

  6. I have the plugin installed and working fine, it’s just not looking like the java script or something is working. it’s not ajaxified.

  7. If I post an entry from another category than the selected the same day as the selected category it displays in the calendar. What shall I do to change this?

  8. I have the same problem… the first page is good, only showing the post from one category, but when I change month, the other categories show up and it switches back to the current month.

  9. I think a great addon (not too sure how hard it would be) but to add color to the individual dates, with dates with more posts being a darker color… just like the calendar widget found on the http://www.engadget.com redesign on the sidebar – great work, thanks!

  10. Hi All,

    I am totally new in wordpress.I want to know how to add extra funtionality in my site by wordpress.i want to show a calander where user can select a date to view comments on that date only.can you plz help me to do that.and also i have downloaded a calander and uploaded that on my plugin folder and activated that.but i don’t know how to use that calnader in my site.


  11. Hi John

    Thanks for this great plugin. I am trying to exclude certain categories using the ajax calendar widget. There is a field called category id but it does not seem to be working. Am I missing something?

    Is there a way I can just modify the file models/calendar.php to exclude categories? Thanks

  12. I am sorry, but I am not sure what i am doing wrong, can you please help me. i installed 2.9 everything activated great, i added the category ID, so this is where i am lost. i read that if you do not have any blogs, then a calender will not show up. I added a page in the calender and i can not find where i add an event? Again Sorry, but how does the calender know when you have an event or something you want people to know, on a given day, or on the page? Am i using this application for the right purpose?

  13. Thank you very much for this plugin. The calendar itself was shown properly but I faced an error like this on the top of the calendar:

    function implode() : Bad argument.

    And I have followed the solution in this article, however two calendars appeared and I could still see the error. So now I got back to the old version. Please fix the error on the next version. thanks.

  14. Hello. There is a bug in the new version of Ajax Calendar. When i’m pressing December, for example and after that i’m pressing January, all the events disappear. After pressing December back, the events disappear too.

  15. Hi
    Thanks for the plugin.. however, I’ve been facing this problem in the widget. When I open the page, it shows the current month’s dates (and posts); when i click on the previous month, it shows the previous month’s dates (and posts); however when I click on the current month to go back, the widget does not show any posts (all dates grayed out). Now whether i stay on current month or go back, all dates are grayed out.

    I just downloaded it from wordpress, so Im guessing its the latest version. can you help fix this?

    thanks muchly

  16. I am using this widget for a band that I play in and have gigs (engagements) posted but they don’t show up on the calendar.
    Can you help me please… I have another website for a different band and the calendar works well???

  17. I’m new to WP and trying to manually migrate my older posts–so I end up posting retroactively. I’m mentioning this because I noticed that when I try to access those older posts via the plugin’s widget, they don’t display i.e. the calendar jumps to the same month but in the current year. Is there a way to fix this?

  18. Hello! Great script, it worked… but now I have JS trouble:
    Message: ‘d.all.l1.style’ – null or not an object
    line: 72
    symbol: 3
    code: 0

    How to fix it?

  19. Hi,

    if I try to navigate trough the calendar I get this error:

    Warning: include(/var/www/web4/files/lp/wp-content/plugins/ajax-calendar/../../../wp-config.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web4/files/lp/wp-content/plugins/ajax-calendar/ajax.php on line 3 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/var/www/web4/files/lp/wp-content/plugins/ajax-calendar/../../../wp-config.php’

    I think the Problem is the wp-config.php. For security I moved it one level up.

    WordPress(3.0) is installed here: /var/www/web4/files/lp/
    wp-config is here: /var/www/web4/files/wp-config

    If you call my domain you’re landing here: /var/www/web4/files/lp/

    If I move wp-config back to ‘/var/www/web4/files/lp/’ the Calendar works fine.

    All other plugins are working fine with wp-config outside the WordPress-Installation.

    Is there a workaround ?

    I would be glad if someone could help me(…and sorry for my bad english).

  20. There is a issue with the calendar if you scroll through it and get back to a visited (a month you scrolled through), the posts links disappear, here and on my site [2]

  21. I just auto-updated AJAX Calendar to 2.5, and it no longer loads in my theme. I tried downloading 2.5 from this site to install manually, and got version 2.4.10. I manually reverted to 2.4.10 (assuming that’s what I had been using), and now I get: “Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /[myblogroot]/wp-content/plugins/ajax-calendar/models/calendar.php on line 150” I then tried downloading 2.4.9 from this page to see if I could get that to work, and again ended up with 2.4.10. I’m not using widgets, but have been loading this with ajax_calendar (false);

    1. I’m afraid that 2.5 now requires a widget to work. I’ve fixed the download on this site which was serving up an older version of the plugin.

    2. I have the same problem. While calling <?php ajax_calendar(); ?> in my theme, plug-in is no more there. Making it work as previous versions would be very nice. Thanks for support,

  22. Does this plugin work with custom post types? I need a calendar to display a specific custom post type archive.

  23. Hi
    I like this plugin but have two questions:

    1) Can I change months and days language and how?
    2) I want to use this widget only as a calendar, not as a previous post archive viewer, so how can I delete url function?

  24. Is there a way to get the event link to go to a target_blank page rather thatn the parent

    Am I missing an easy drop down or tick box, when I create a new event, can put the link in but can’t alter the target



  25. This works great! Thanks for the awesome plugin.

    Is there anyway to change the default view of the main calendar? I have a lot of events, and I need to display the week view rather than month view by default. Can I pass a URL or Shorttag variable to specify? Ditto for only showing one category by default. Thanks.

  26. I’ve donwloaded the ajax calendary for my website on wordpress, but I can’t make that it saves the events in the database, I’m sorry for my words, but I don’t know write very good. n n’

  27. Help! I still have the original ebent that Ajax calendar loads, but I cant get rid of it!

    1. How do I delete or edit events?
    2. How can I display the calendar a couple of months ahead fo the current date? I want people to see the date of a holiday letting, not todays date.


    Ross Page

  28. I installed the last avalaible version of wordpress 3.2.1 out of the box and your plugin v.2.5.1

    When i click on prev month, ajax outputs the full page again inside the sidebar…
    It should only output the posts/teaser post/list of month posts.

    What happend ?

  29. Ok i’m looking for a solution to my problem. I’ve found this post: http://digwp.com/2011/02/ajax-requested-page-return-only-content/
    I will follow this solution, but instead of checking the $_SERVER i’m going to add an additional $_GET variable and add a condition into the template page.
    I’ve modified the following line on the plugin:
    $text = str_replace( ‘<a', '<a onclick="microAjax(this.href + \'?ajax=true&ajax-calendar=true\',show_micro_ajax); return false"', $text );
    $text = str_replace( '<a', '<a onclick="microAjax(this.href + \'?ajax=true&ajax-calendar=true\',show_micro_ajax); return false"', $text );

  30. I am playing with this calendar on my site and have also got it installed on one of my client’s sites. Can you please let me know if this calendar has the ability to export the schedules & entries into iCal?

  31. how i can call function AJAX Calendar in footer.php?
    – call standart calendar WordPress

    And with installed plugins:
    function get_calendar() {
    global $wpdb, $m, $monthnum, $year, $wp_locale, $posts;

    add_filter( 'query', array( &$this, 'modify_calendar_query' ) );

    $text = get_calendar( true, false );

    remove_filter( 'query', array( &$this, 'modify_calendar_query' ) );

    $text = str_replace( '<a', '<a onclick="microAjax(this.href + \'?ajax=true\',show_micro_ajax); return false"', $text );
    $text = str_replace( '<a', '
    doesnt works =(

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